Insurance against accidents at work is mandatory for all employers in Portugal, so if an accident occurs at the place or time of work that causes bodily injury, functional disturbance or illness resulting in a reduction in the ability to work, in gain, or death.
The insurance covers:• Workers linked by employment contract or equivalent;
- Practitioners, apprentices, interns and other professional training situations;
Those who, considering the economic dependence of the person served, provide services, individually or jointly; - Administrators, directors, managers or similar, when remunerated.
In most economic activities, work-related accidents in which a worker, self-employed person working in another person’s premises, a third person in the employment relationship, is a fatal victim or suffers a serious physical injury must be reported within the next 24 hours to its occurrence.
The duration of the contract is the one indicated in the employment contract, which can be for a certain and determined period (temporary insurance) or for a year that can be extended for new periods of one year.
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