Pôle Emploi is a stakeholder in the Public Employment Service (PES) in the territories, led by the State in order to ensure the best possible coordination of the actors in charge of employment policy and their partners.
The objective of the PES in the territories is to develop employment and secure professional transitions, in particular for the benefit of the most vulnerable groups in the labor market. Placed under the authority of the regional prefects, it brings together the main operators responsible for the implementation of employment policies at the territorial level, the first of which are Pôle Emploi, local missions and organizations specializing in professional integration. people with disabilities. At the service of youth Within the framework of the PES, Pôle Emploi is a partner of the State and the National Council of Local Missions (CNML) in order to:
• develop the shared diagnosis necessary for the complementarity of interventions, actors and service offers; • facilitate access to employment for young people aged 16 to 25 through guidance, vocational training, support (including social) and help to maintain employment; • develop concerted intervention aimed at businesses to promote the integration of young people into employment and primarily into sustainable employment; • carry out joint actions aimed at young people, businesses and partners, in particular by taking into account the priorities of employment policies; • carry out communication actions improving the visibility and readability of the systems by the target audiences as well as by those involved in the partnership. Serving people with disabilities Pôle Emploi is also at the heart of the professional integration process for people with disabilities. They can register with Pôle Emploi and benefit from support at a local agency or through the national network Cap Emploi. In particular, an agreement was signed by the State, AGEFIPH, FIPHFP and Pôle Emploi to facilitate access to and return to sustainable employment for job seekers benefiting from the employment obligation. It makes it possible to better specify the responsibilities of each person, to organize a more fluid flow of information, and to make the complementarity of the service offers more understandable by mobilizing, in a relevant way, services, actions and aids from signatory parties. |
Nature: Public |
Costs: Free |
Documents: http://statistiques.pole-emploi.org/stmt/publication |
Phone: 09 72 72 39 49 |
Opening hours: 8.30 am-12.30 pm |
Link: https://www.pole-emploi.fr/region/hauts-de-france/ |
Villeneuve-d'Ascq 59650