DGES is the central service of the Ministry of Education and is responsible for the design, implementation and coordination of policies related to higher education. Through this body you can find information on: Apply for higher education; Consult the list of higher education courses; Obtain information for Portuguese emigrant candidates who want access to higher education; Request the password for the application to higher education; Request documents related to the application for higher education; Request information on access to higher education for emigrants; Request the certificate of equivalence / recognition of higher education diplomas; Register foreign diplomas; Replace evidence of admission to higher education with foreign exams.
Nature: Public |
Costs: Paid |
Mail: dges@dges.mctes.pt |
Phone: (+351)213 126 000 or (+351)213 126 000 |
Opening hours: Monday to Friday (Beside wednesday ), 9h30 – 12h30 |
Link: https://www.dges.gov.pt/pt |
Lisboa 1069-016