In France, Family Allowances, also known as the Family branch, offer families assistance in the form of additional income, equipment, follow-up and advice, via the network of 101 family allowance funds (CAF), managed by the National Family Allowances Fund (Cnaf). The Caf and the Cnaf constitute the “Family branch”, because they are one of the four components of the general social security system. The other branches are: Sickness, Old Age and Recovery.
The Family branch and its environment: A branch of social security under the supervision of the State Along with the Sickness, Old-Age and Recovery branches, the Family branch is part of the general social security scheme created in 1945 by an ordinance of 4 October from General De Gaulle. The State determines the missions of the Branch, the services it serves and its resources. Since 1996, an objectives and management agreement (Cog), signed every five years (initially four years), contractualizes relations between the State and the National Family Allowances Fund (Cnaf).
The Family branch is placed under the double supervision • the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health • and the Ministry of the Budget. But it is also a partner of many ministries, in particular the Ministry of Housing for housing allowances. The Court of Auditors, the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs (Igas) and the National Control Mission (DSS) ensure control over the Family branch. A national network of departmental funds Managed by the National Family Allowances Fund (Cnaf), the Family branch is present throughout the country thanks to its departmental network of family allowance funds (Caf). The National Family Allowances Fund (Cnaf) is a national public administrative establishment. It enjoys legal personality and financial autonomy. It is administered by a board of directors and headed by a chief executive officer. It is subject to the control of the competent state authorities, which are represented by government commissioners and by an economic and financial controller general. The family allowance funds (Caf), private law bodies, provide a public service mission governed by the Social Security code. Two of them are common social security funds (Ccss): in Lozère and Mayotte. Thus, more than 36,000 employees spread over 101 Caf support families on a daily basis and help fight inequalities. |
Nature: Public |
Costs: Free |
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Phone: 0810 25 59 80* Service 0,06 € / min + prix appel |
Opening hours: Monday- Friday 9h à 16h00 |
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Paris France