Pôle Emploi is a public administrative establishment (EPA), responsible for employment in France. Created on December 20, 2008, it is the result of the merger between the National Employment Agency (ANPE) and the Association for Employment in Industry and Commerce (Assedic). Pôle Emploi is a stakeholder in the Public Employment Service (PES) in the territories, led by the State in order to ensure the best possible coordination of the actors in charge of employment policy and their partners.
The objective of the PES in the territories is to develop employment and secure professional transitions, in particular for the benefit of the most vulnerable groups in the labor market. Placed under the authority of the regional prefects, it brings together the main operators responsible for the implementation of employment policies at the territorial level, the first of which are Pôle Emploi, local missions and organizations specializing in professional integration. People with disabilities. Its role is, on the one hand, to compensate job seekers and assist them in returning to work; and on the other hand, guide companies in their recruitments. This is the mission of 54,500 agents, mobilized on a daily basis to anticipate trends, innovate and bring together key players and relays in the field. As the leading player in the labor market in France with 55,000 employees, more than 900 local branches and relays as well as a network of partners across the country, Pôle Emploi works on a daily basis to facilitate the return to employment of applicants and offer businesses solutions tailored to their recruitment needs. Six essential missions 1 / Welcome and We welcome, inform and guide all people – whether or not they are already employed – in the search for a job, training, professional advice, mobility assistance or social and professional integration. 2/ Prospect and connect An expert in the labor market whose development it closely follows, Pôle Emploi collects offers from companies, advises them in their recruitments and puts them in touch with applicants. 3 / Check We keep the list of job seekers up to date in order to ensure the control of the job search in France. 4 / Compensate We compensate beneficiaries on behalf of the organization managing the unemployment insurance scheme and on behalf of the State. 5 / Control the data We collect, process and make available to our audiences a large set of data relating to the labor market and jobseeker compensation. 6 / Relaying public policies Pôle emploi implements all actions in relation to its mission entrusted to it by the State, local authorities and Unédic. Four support methods In order to facilitate the return to work, Pôle Emploi adapts its service offering to the needs of applicants in terms of frequency of contacts and the nature of follow-up. Our services are therefore broken down into four intervention methods:
• Reinforced support: for people furthest from employment, who absolutely need regular physical interviews with their advisor. • Guided support: for job seekers who need regular support in their search, through physical, telephone or e-mail exchanges. • Follow-up and support in finding employment: this method is aimed at applicants who are more independent and close to the labor market. In this situation, the contacts are essentially dematerialized. • Global support: in partnership with the Departmental Councils, we set up pairs of Pôle Emploi advisers and social correspondents within the departments. The latter mobilize, within the services of the Department or partner structures, social action professionals who provide comprehensive support coordinated with the Pôle Emploi advisor.
Proximity and availability: Pôle Emploi provides easy access to its services via three relationship channels: Our network has more than 900 agencies located throughout the territory, allowing you to physically meet our advisers: registration, calculation of rights, support interviews, job search assistance workshops
Our telephone platform 39 49 to obtain assistance during online registration, schedule an interview with an advisor, inform us of a change in situation, file a complaint, etc.Our pole-emploi.fr site: N ° 1 employment site in France, for the submission of C.V., pre-registration, management of compensation files, access to legal and regulatory information … A driving role in guidance and training Pôle Emploi offers both general and specialized guidance services, with services tailored to the profiles and training needs of all audiences, throughout lifelong learning Councils regions, we are thus one of the main funders of training for job seekers. An essential role in terms of prescription and a major lever for access to employment. Listening to businesses Pôle Emploi has 4,300 “business relationship” advisers specializing in supporting employers. They are responsible for guiding them through the range of solutions offered by Pôle Emploi, and advising them by sharing diagnoses based on in-depth knowledge of local employment areas. At the national level, Pôle emploi is also a partner of professional federations, and exchanges constantly with employers and large companies that are members of the Club RH Pôle emploiAt the service of employers Thanks to their dedicated space on pole-emploi.fr, employers can directly manage their recruitment needs: submit their offers, present their activity and contact job seekers who meet the profiles they are looking for. In addition, Pôle emploi offers tailor-made support services and support to employers having difficulty recruiting or defining their needs. As part of these services that are particularly suitable, for example, for small businesses or those placed in niche professions, Pôle Emploi advisers can carry out job analyzes, provide support for job interviews, preselect candidates. , or even carry out actions to adapt job seekers to the jobs offered.
Nature: Public | ||||||||||
Costs: Free | ||||||||||
Mail: https://www.pole-emploi.org/accueil/contactez-nous.html (it can contain multiple emails) | ||||||||||
09 72 72 39 49 Le numéro unique pour joindre votre pôle emploi. Depuis l’étranger, vous pouvez composer le : +33 1 77 86 39 49 |
Opening hours:
Link: https://candidat.pole-emploi.fr/formations/recherche;JSESSIONID_RECH_FORMATION=pASwijEGgI0ztidJYuGZ5c7b4l0G3BP_FLK765BAiZfEH3IG-Eu4!1093093421?formationCPFPublicConcerne=3&ou=COMMUNE-59350&quoi=FORMACODE-15235&range=0-9&tri=0
The VAE, Validation of acquired experience
Employee, job seeker or volunteer, graduate or not, thanks to the VAE, you can transform your experience into a national education diploma. Only one condition is required: justify at least 1607 hours of experience (1 year full-time equivalent) directly related to the certification concerned. The diplomas accessible by the VAE are registered in the national directory of professional certifications (RNCP). To consult the national directory of professional certifications: 1. I find out about my VAE project by making an appointment at the nearest validation center 2. I put together my admissibility file (booklet 1) with the help of my professional project advisor 3. I put together my validation file (booklet 2) detailing my professional experience 4. I pass my interview in front of a jury made up of professionals and teachers The diplomas accessible by VAE in the academy:
· National Education diplomas · From CAP to BTS and arts and crafts diplomas · Higher accounting degrees · Diploma in Accounting and Management (DCG) · Higher Diploma in Accounting and Management (DSCG) · Co-signed diplomas · Instructor educator (DEME) · Specialized educator (DEES) · Specialized technical educator (DEETS) · Social and Family Economy Advisor (DECESF) Where to go in the Lille academy? The Academic Device for the Validation of Prior Learning (DAVA), VAE department of the Lille rectorate, offers you personalized support in your VAE procedures thanks to a local service made up of reception centers spread over the entire regional territory. |
Nature: Public |
Costs: Free |
Mail: http://cache.media.education.gouv.fr/file/Presentation/11/1/DSDEN_59_-_repertoire_2019-2020_1233111.pdf |
Phone: 03 20 62 30 00 |
Opening hours: 8h45 à 12h15 et de 13h45 à 17h15 |
Link: http://www1.ac-lille.fr/cid118607/vae.html |
The school welcomes children at the start of compulsory education, which begins at age 3.
Kindergarten is an essential step in the students’ journey to guarantee their academic success. Its main mission is to make children want to go to school to learn, assert and develop their personality. It is a school where children will learn together and live together. They develop their oral language and begin to discover writing, numbers and other areas of learning. They learn by playing, thinking and problem solving, practicing, recalling and memorizing.
The lessons are organized into five learning areas:
• Mobilize language in all its dimensions • Act, express yourself, understand through physical activity • Act, express yourself, understand through artistic activities • Build the first tools to structure your thinking • Explore the worldThe elementary school welcomes children aged 6 to 11. The programs are national and compulsory for all teachers and students. The courses are designed by cycle, lasting three years
• Cycle 2, or fundamental learning cycle, includes the preparatory course (CP), the first year elementary course (CE1) and the second year elementary course (CE2). • Cycle 3, or consolidation cycle, includes the first year average course (CM1) and the second year average course (CM2); the consolidation cycle continues in college, in the sixth grade. The college is the secondary level establishment which, at the end of elementary school, welcomes all school children. They attend four years of schooling there. The college accepts all pupils at the end of primary school without a passing exam. It allows all students to be educated in a single setting. College education has four years: 6th, 5th, 4th and 3rd. Compulsory education is organized in three-year cycles, which give the time needed to learn better. In college, the sixth is the last year of cycle 3, the other levels make up cycle 4. At the end of middle school, students can continue their education in a general and technological school or in a vocational school. Schooling takes place in three years: the second, the first and the final. General and technological high school The LEGT consists of three classes: the general and technological second class, common to students intending to continue their studies in one of the series of the general route or the technological route. The choice between these two routes is made at the end of this class. The first and final classes in the different series lead to the baccalaureate exam. The baccalaureate certifies knowledge and skills at the end of secondary education and constitutes the first grade in higher education. As such, it allows the pursuit of higher education. The general route
The general route is transformed: • For final year 2020 students, it still includes three series (ES, L and S) which lead to the general baccalaureate. • For students who pass the general baccalaureate in 2021, the series have given way to specialties, chosen at the end of the second. The general path leads to the pursuit of higher education mainly in university, preparatory classes for “grandes écoles” or specialized schools. The technological path The technological path prepares for higher technological studies mainly in STS or IUT (in two years) and allows to continue a more advanced training leading to a professional license or an engineering diploma.
Nature: Public |
Costs: Free |
Documents :
Phone: 01 55 55 10 10 |
Opening hours: 9h00 – 17h00 |
Link: https://www.education.gouv.fr/ |
DGES is the central service of the Ministry of Education and is responsible for the design, implementation and coordination of policies related to higher education. Through this body you can find information on: Apply for higher education; Consult the list of higher education courses; Obtain information for Portuguese emigrant candidates who want access to higher education; Request the password for the application to higher education; Request documents related to the application for higher education; Request information on access to higher education for emigrants; Request the certificate of equivalence / recognition of higher education diplomas; Register foreign diplomas; Replace evidence of admission to higher education with foreign exams.
Nature: Public |
Costs: Paid |
Mail: dges@dges.mctes.pt |
Phone: (+351)213 126 000 or (+351)213 126 000 |
Opening hours: Monday to Friday (Beside wednesday ), 9h30 – 12h30 |
Link: https://www.dges.gov.pt/pt |
The Directorate-General for Education (DGE), under the supervision of the Ministry of Education (ME), is the body responsible for implementing policies related to pre-school education, basic and secondary education, extra-school and technical support assistance to its formulation, focusing mainly on the areas of curriculum development, teaching and assessment tools and educational support and supplements. Through the Link you can find topics related to: Curriculum, Projects, Educational Resources, National Examination Jury and Inclusive Education.
To get answers to the “Schooling” theme, you should contact the Curriculum Development Services Directorate – DSDC directly.
Nature: Public |
Costs: Free |
Mail: dge@dge.mec.pt OU dsdc@dge.mec.pt |
Phone: (+351) 213 934 500 ou (+351) 213 895 100 ; DSDC: (+351) 213 934 559 / (+351) 213 934 605 / (+351) 213 936 839 |
Opening hours: 9h00 – 17h00 |
Link: www.dge.mec.pt |
The High Commissioner for Migration is a public body that intervenes in the implementation of public policies in the context of migration. ACM seeks to respond to the growing needs of the different profiles of migrants and their integration. Through ACM you can find information related to: Support Funds; Training and Resources; Schools; Companies; Counties; Public Administration and Immigrant Associations. This service is located in several Portuguese cities, however the address above is the one in Lisbon. |
Nature: Public |
Costs: Free |
Documents: Public schools and the Employment and Vocational Training Centers inform which documents are necessary. |
Mail: informacoes@cnai.acm.gov.pt |
Phone: +351 218106100 or Migrant Support Line: (+351)21 810 61 91 (calling from mobilephone or abroad). |
Opening hours: Works by appointment |
Link: https://www.acm.gov.pt/inicio |
The CNAIMs belong to the High Commissioner for Migration and were developed to respond to different difficulties experienced by migrants in their integration process in Portugal. These are spaces that were designed especially for migrants, so that their integration and experience in Portugal is easier. Through them you can find information related to Recognition of Qualifications and Competences, among others. These Centers are located in Lisbon, Algarve and North, however the identified address belongs to the Lisbon region. Face-to-face service only by appointment. |
Nature: Public |
Costs: Free |
Mail: informacoes@acm.gov.pt |
Phone: Migrant Support Line: (+351)21 810 61 91 (calling from mobilephone or abroad). |
Opening hours: 8h00 – 17h00 |
Link: www.acm.gov.pt |
The Directorate-General for Education (DGE), under the supervision of the Ministry of Education (ME), is the body responsible for implementing policies related to pre-school education, basic and secondary education, extra-school and technical support assistance to its formulation, focusing mainly on the areas of curriculum development, teaching and assessment tools and educational support and supplements. Through the Link you can find topics related to: Curriculum, Projects, Educational Resources, National Examination Jury and Inclusive Education. |
Nature: Public |
Costs: Free |
Mail: dge@dge.mec.pt |
Phone: (+351) 213 934 500 ou (+351) 213 895 100 |
Opening hours: 9h00 – 17h00 |
Link: www.dge.mec.pt |
The Directorate-General for Education (DGE), under the supervision of the Ministry of Education (ME), is the body responsible for implementing policies related to pre-school education, basic and secondary education, extra-school and technical support assistance to its formulation, focusing mainly on the areas of curriculum development, teaching and assessment tools and educational support and supplements. Through the Link you can find topics related to: Curriculum, Projects, Educational Resources, National Examination Jury and Inclusive Education. |
Nature: Public |
Costs: Free |
Mail: dge@dge.mec.pt |
Phone: (+351) 213 934 500 ou (+351) 213 895 100 |
Opening hours: 9h00 – 17h00 |
Link: www.dge.mec.pt |