The Municipality, through the registry service, has the task of recording the various positions relating to individuals, families and partnerships, which have established in the Municipality their residence, as well as the positions relating to homeless people, who have established their domicile in the municipality. The City through the civil status and social services has the task of assisting the family for every need. The Municipality through the Public Education Service provides every service for the compulsory school ranging from 6 to 16 years. The City through the home office provides and manages the service of social housing in collaboration with the Territorial Companies of Social Housing (ATER).
ANCI represents all Italian municipalities. The Municipality, through the registry service, has the task of recording the various positions relating to individuals, families and partnerships, which have established in the Municipality their residence, as well as the positions relating to homeless people, who have established their domicile in the municipality. The City through the civil status and social services has the task of assisting the family for every need. The Municipality through the Public Education Service provides every service for the compulsory school ranging from 6 to 16 years. The City through the home office provides and manages the service of social housing in collaboration with the Territorial Companies of Social Housing (ATER).
The largest university in both academia and research and the leading university in the Republic of Croatia – 30 Faculties, 3 Art Academies and the University Centre for Croatian Studies. As such, it has a special role and responsibility in preserving and improving the national, intellectual, scientific and cultural heritage and in strengthening the international recognition and attractiveness of Croatian higher education and science. The constituents of the University of Zagreb offer a comprehensive higher education and the acquisition of academic degrees, from bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees to doctor of science in the biomedical, biotechnical, social-humanistic, natural sciences, technical and artistic fields. At the University of Zagreb, studies are conducted in accordance with the Bologna Process as undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate studies. Some studies are performed as integrated undergraduate and graduate studies, and to a lesser extent the University also offers professional studies.
University study programmes (in the academic year 2017/2018):
– 114 undergraduate study programmes
– 33 integrated study programmes
– 168 graduate study programmes
– 64 postgraduate doctoral study programmes
– 191 specialist postgraduate study programmes
– 16 study programmes in English;
Every year the University of Zagreb announces a competition for the enrollment of students in undergraduate, integrated undergraduate and graduate, professional, graduate and postgraduate studies.
The Ministry of Science and Education supports the overall development of the Republic of Croatia by providing conditions for: education and the formation of competent, ambitious and responsible individuals with an affordable, inclusive, quality and accessible system of lifelong learning; for quality vocational education that meets the current and future needs of the labour market for the development of science based on excellence and international competitiveness.
The Directorate for Education performs administrative and professional tasks related to the implementation of acts and other regulations in the field of education and the preparation of expert bases for draft strategies, acts and proposals for other regulations within its competence. It monitors, proposes and implements measures to improve the conditions in the system of early, preschool, primary and secondary education and adult education. The Directorate performs tasks related to the planning and execution of the necessary funds from the state budget, participates in the development of strategic frameworks and programme documents related to the development of the system of education and adult education.
Croaticum – Centre for Croatian as a Second and Foreign Language is the oldest and largest institution engaged in teaching, research and description of Croatian as a second and foreign language. It is part of the Department of Croatian Language and Literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb.
The founder of the Agency is the Republic of Croatia, and the rights and duties of the founder are performed by the ministry responsible for education
The activity of the Agency is to perform professional and advisory work in education.
(2) The Agency participates in the monitoring, improvement and development of education, from pre-school to secondary school level, adult education, the education of Croatian citizens abroad and the education of foreign nationals in Croatia.
Also, the Agency has a procedure for the recognition of foreign educational qualifications on completed primary education for employment and on completed secondary education in general, gymnasium and art programs for employment or further education.
The Agency submits a report on its work to the Ministry of Science and Education.
Deutschlands Schulsystem
Sind Ihre Kinder älter als sechs Jahre, müssen sie zur Schule gehen, denn in Deutschland gilt die Schulpflicht. Die große Mehrheit der Schulen in Deutschland wird vom Staat betrieben. Ihre Kinder können diese Schulen daher kostenlos besuchen. Daneben stehen Ihnen natürlich private und internationale Schulen offen. Für die fallen allerdings Gebühren an.
Verantwortlich für die Schulpolitik sind die einzelnen Bundesländer. Je nach Region, in die Sie mit Ihrer Familie ziehen, werden Sie daher etwas unterschiedliche Schulsysteme vorfinden. Zum Beispiel lernen Kinder in den einzelnen Bundesländern nicht immer das gleiche und benutzen zum Teil auch andere Schulbücher. Zudem gibt es in den einzelnen Bundesländern unterschiedliche Schultypen. Eine grobe Einteilung der Schulen gilt jedoch in ganz Deutschland:
Grundschule: Die Schulzeit beginnt in der Regel für 6-Jährige in der Grundschule. Die besuchen die Kinder von der ersten bis zur vierten Klasse. Nur in Berlin und Brandenburg endet die Grundschule erst nach der sechsten Klasse. Je nachdem wie gut Ihre Kinder in der Grundschule sind, können Sie anschließend gemeinsam mit den Lehrern und Lehrerinnen entscheiden, welchen Schultyp Ihr Kind ab der fünften Klasse besucht. Am meisten verbreitet ist die folgende Aufteilung bei den weiterführenden Schulen:
- Hauptschule (Klasse 5-9/10)
- Realschule (Klasse 5-10)
- Gesamtschule (Klasse 5-12/13)
- Gymnasium (Klasse 5-12/13)
Haupt- und Realschule: Jugendliche, die erfolgreich die Haupt- oder Realschule durchlaufen haben, können anschließend eine Berufsausbildung machen oder auf ein Gymnasium oder Gesamtschule wechseln.
Gesamtschule: Bietet eine Alternative zum dreigliedrigen Schulsystem (Haupt-, Realschule und Gymnasium).
Gymnasium: Hier können Schülerinnen und Schüler am Ende der zwölften oder dreizehnten Klasse durch eine erfolgreich bestandene Prüfung ihr Abitur oder ihr Fachabitur erhalten. Diese Qualifikation berechtigt sie dazu, anschließend an einer Hochschule oder Fachhochschule zu studieren. Aber auch Absolventinnen und Absolventen von Gymnasien können den direkten Einstieg in die Praxis über eine Berufsausbildung wählen.
Einschulung neuzugewanderter Schulkinder und Jugendlicher
Sind Ihre Kinder bei der Einreise nach Deutschland bereits im Schulalter? Sie fragen sich bestimmt, wie ihre Einschulung gestaltet wird? Darüber entscheidet die jeweilige Schulleitung in Absprache mit der zuständigen Schulbehörde. In der Regel werden die neuzugewanderten Schulkinder, die aufgrund ihrer Sprachkenntnisse noch nicht in der Lage sind, durchgehend am Schulunterricht teilzunehmen ein Probeunterricht angeboten. Ziel ist es, sie so schnell wie möglich in den regulären Schulunterricht zu integrieren.
Woran Sie eine gute Schule erkennen
In Kinderkrippen können Ihre Kinder im Alter zwischen 0 und 3 Jahren mit Gleichaltrigen spielen. Dabei werden Sie von ausgebildeten Erzieherinnen und Erziehern betreut. Spielerisch begleiten die Fachkräfte Ihre Kinder bei den ersten Lernschritten. Auch altersgerechte Mahlzeiten, Schlafpausen und das Spielen im Freien stehen auf dem Programm. Wann Sie Ihre Tochter oder Ihren Sohn morgens bringen und später wieder abholen, können Sie meistens flexibel vereinbaren. Angeboten werden Kinderkrippen von privaten, öffentlichen oder kirchlichen Trägern. Die Preise variieren stark und hängen teilweise vom Einkommen der Eltern ab. Die Verfügbarkeit von Plätzen hängt stark von der Region in Deutschland ab.
Quelle: Make it in Germany – Schule & Schulpflicht
Bundesagentur für Arbeit – Das Schulsystem in Baden-Württemberg
Compulsory schooling and costs
In Germany there is compulsory schooling: children have to go to school for 9 years. In some federal states, compulsory schooling also applies to children with an unclear residence status. A school year begins in August or September and lasts until June or July, depending on the state. Students usually attend state schools. You don’t pay school fees here. There are low costs for copies, materials or excursions. In private schools you have to pay school fees.
Does your child need special German tuition? Then contact the school directly.
School types
There are different types of schools. All children from 6 or 7 years of age go to primary school. After the 4th grade the children go to a secondary school. There are very different secondary schools. The primary school often gives advice in the 4th grade about which school your child can go to. There are secondary schools (5th to 9th grade), here you get a secondary school certificate or a qualifying secondary school certificate. In the secondary school you also have practical subjects such as handicrafts or technical drawing. A higher school is the Realschule (5th-10th grade), here you get the Realschule certificate. After secondary school or secondary school, you can learn a trade. Then there is the grammar school (up to 12th grade). Here you do the Abitur and can then study at a university. In high school you often learn 2–3 foreign languages, such as English and French.
In some federal states there are comprehensive schools. Here secondary school, secondary school and grammar school are combined in one house. If a child wants to change schools, for example from Hauptschule to Realschule, it is easier. With separate schools you can also switch, but that is not so easy. In every federal state there are also bilingual schools, special needs schools, technical and vocational high schools. You can find more detailed information in our infographics.
School hours
In most schools, classes end at noon or early afternoon (2pm or 3pm). Then a child can go to the after-school care center. It can stay there in the afternoon. They get something to eat and they help them with their homework. But you have to pay for the after-school care center. There are also more and more all-day schools. In this school the children are all day, mostly until 4 or 5 p.m.
School subjects
The children have many subjects at school. This also includes physical education. He is often not separated in elementary school. Girls and boys then have sport together. Often there are also swimming lessons. Most schools have Christian religious instruction. But you can cancel your religion class and you don’t have to go. As an alternative there is ethics and in some schools classes in other religions (for example Islam or the Jewish religion).
If your child has difficulties in a school subject, they can take tuition. Either from a private tutor or in a tutoring school. Private tutoring is usually a little cheaper.
Extracurricular activities
Students usually go on a school trip once a school year. It usually lasts 3–5 days. A class travels to another city or place together. There are also hiking days. The children go on a trip together. The children learn something about history, culture and nature. The schools also hold school parties. There are, for example, theater performances or concerts by schoolchildren.
Every school has a parent council, these are parents who work with the school. There are parents’ evenings several times a year. Here the parents get important information from the teachers and can get to know each other. You can also make an appointment with a teacher and talk to them alone. This is called a parenting talk. You do this with problems at school. Or maybe you want to know how the child is doing at school.
Documents for download
You can search for so-called integration courses at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.
Address: tr. Gen. Berthelot 28-30, Sector 1, 010168, Bucureşti |
Postal Code: 010168 |
Categories: Education |
Office/Organization information:
The Ministry of Education and Research is part of the Romanian Government and it coordinates the education system in Romania, establishes the objectives of the education system as a whole, as well as the the educational objectives on levels and profiles of education. In carrying out its attributes, the Ministry of Education consults with different types of institutions such as national scientific societies of teachers, representative trade union federations at the branch level, associative structures of local public administration authorities, as social partners, and organizations of students recognized nationally. |
Nature: Public |
Costs: Free |
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Phone: +40 021/405.62.00;+4021/405.63.00 |
Opening hours: 8:00 -16:300 |
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