The Education Code recognizes that activities (salaried, self-employed, voluntary) allow the acquisition of skills and knowledge which have the same value as those acquired through a traditional training system.
Obtain a diploma or title through VAE
The validation of acquired experience (VAE) makes it possible to obtain, on the basis of professional experience or activities, volunteers in particular, all or part of a professional certification (diploma, title or certificate of professional qualification ) registered in the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP).
The candidate must complete a file in which he describes the main activities that he exercises or has exercised, their contexts of exercise and the resources mobilized.
The evaluation of this file is followed by an interview with an independent jury and including professionals. The achievements of these experiences, in connection with the certification concerned, are evaluated by the jury which decides to validate all or part of the diploma concerned.
In the event of partial validation, recommendations are made to the candidate with a view to obtaining the full diploma.
VAE is an opportunity for adults: training is no longer the only way to obtain certification. VAE is also a tool at the service of the forward management of jobs and companies’ skills.
VAE at National Education
The academic systems for the validation of prior learning (DAVA) control the VAE. They provide information to the public, a key function of any VAE approach. They offer candidates a diagnosis upstream of any commitment to the process as well as support throughout their VAE course to increase the chances of success.
Finally, the DAVA contribute to the development of partnerships with the economic world, in particular with the branches and companies which use the VAE in the forward management of jobs and skills.
Everyone has the right to have their experience recognized:
- employees ;
- self-employed;
- job seekers, compensated or not;
- people who have carried out social activities, volunteers, etc .;
The only requirement is to have carried out an activity lasting at least one year in relation to the content of the diploma concerned.
From the professional aptitude certificate (CAP) to the higher technician’s certificate (BTS): contact the academic systems for the validation of prior learning (DAVA). There is one per academy.
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