The Anti-Discrimination Forum.EU is an online service on a voluntary basis, which carries out an assessment of issues (so-called clearing) and any further mediation. Telephone calls or postal correspondence are not provided. Processing is only possible electronically.
The Antidiskrimierungsforum.EU orients its awareness-raising work on the reported individual experiences of discrimination and calls for structural hurdles to be dismantled in order to ensure equal treatment.
- Evangelical Church in Baden
- Evangelical Church in Württemberg
- Diakonie in Baden and in Württemberg
Initiatives, organizations, services and facilities in the regions are to be supported in their work against discrimination. Non-church aid organizations and municipal integration officers are involved if necessary.
The anti-discrimination network Baden-Württemberg was dissolved in October 2011 after a five-year term. The website is only partially updated.
Further information
Postfach 101151
Stuttgart Baden-Württemberg 70010